Q3 ’24 Leadership Update

Times flies, doesn’t it?

We grow older, wiser (hopefully). We enter high school, graduate college. We enter the workforce and move up the ladder. We find the one and settle down. We start a family. We progress through life.

As someone who has been playing Supercell games for over ten years, the above is something I’ve had the absolute privilege to witness amongst fellow teamRDYK members. It says something about what we’ve built as a Supercell gaming community, and it says something about our core values of focusing on building each other up, NOT putting each other down.

Over the years people have come and gone. Yet the single thing that continues us forward is Supercells commitment to great mobile games, and teamRDYKs commitment to offering a great community. We are truly global, with representation from all over the world. Different perspectives on life, celebrating fellow clan mates accomplishments, both in the gaming world and in real life, is what we’re all about.

Sure, there was been some drama, but is to be expected. Thing’s are not perfect, people are not perfect, but we prevail forward together. I look back over time to see if any old friends have come back to play, and they have not. I look at those that remain and hope they understand they are at the core of moving us forward. I look at those who have joined us and know our path forward as a Suppercell gaming community continues.

With that said, Reddit Yankee still going strong. Clan Capital maxed, just rounding out our CWL, getting ready to settle back into FWA wars until the next rolls around, consistently demolish Clan Games, and life is good. Twilight Fire is in good hands with Toll, who has massively stepped up over the years to ensure its continued success. Area 51 continues to kick ass with Pat at the helm. We move forward. We play. We enjoy.

On the Clash Royale side sadly things have not been so great, mainly because that game has become so pay to win that it is lackluster, and I hope Supercell can fix things. Clash Mini beta has died, but the devs are saying we can see a version of it into Clash Royale, and that brings me hope. Clash Mini was a really cool game. Very chess like, so I can see the integration to CR.

Not to say we don’t play CR, we do. Sleepykeefe runs the CR clan, check out Royale Yankee if you need a CR home!

Squad Busters I was dumb enough to buy a season pass for on it’s debut, but man.. I don’t know what Supercell was thinking there. It seems like a money grab geared towards children, and I’m not a fan of that. We need to protect our youth. I guess Tencent is tightening down the fact that Supercell needs to bring in the money. I get it, but I don’t like it.

Lastly, our Brawl Stars club continues strong as ever, thanks to Chile guiding the ship. It is continuously full, and always making sure we get the best rewards from Mega Pig (MEGAAAA PIIIIGGGGG!!!!!) and other events. If you want to join a super active club, you can find us in game – Reddit Yankee. Come join!

In closing – teamRDYK is as strong as ever. If you’re looking for a new home, definitely feel free to stop by our Discord and check us out! If you’re already a part of us, thank you for being with us, and let’s Clash on!

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Q4 ’22 Leadership Update – Haters will say it’s photoshopped

Greetings and salutations. teamRDYK is not only alive, but thriving. Our focus on becoming a Supercell gaming community has been successful. Our strength is in each of you, and together is shows.

Do you play Clash of Clans?
We got you – Whether you are looking for Competitive or Farm War.

Reddit Yankee just hit Clan Level 25 – Yup! Reddit Yankee focuses on Farm Wars, CWL, Clan Games, Builder Base, and Clan Capital. Good luck getting a spot though, you’ll want to talk with us on Discord first. 🙂

twilight fire is cruising along at Clan Level 19, closing in on 20. Focusing on Competitive War, CWL, Clan Games, Builder Base, and Clan Capital.

How about Clash Royale? Yep, we rock out there too.

Or maybe you prefer Brawl Stars? Guess what, we kick some ass there AS WELL! Good luck finding a spot. You’ll want to talk with us on Discord first. 🙂

Future Supercell games – We have you covered. Did someone say Clash Mini? The ground work has been laid for the global launch.

Why do I say all this. If you’re looking for a chill spot to hang out and play games, you found it. Join us today and get in on the fun!

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Q3 2021 Leadership Update – The Only Constant in This Life is Change

Fellow teamRDYK clashers! It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know all of you .. It really has. I have a deep found respect for those of you that I’ve gotten to know over these years. You are all going to do big things in big ways in this life – In real life – I can tell. Everyone I encountered is so determined to accomplish their goals – So many goals – And I truly wish and hope that all of your dreams come true, and that your life is filled with good. Will there be bad times? Yes.. Undoubtedly. But I also know how strong you all are. And I know that you know struggle is a natural part of life.

I say this with the utmost sincerity: Thank YOU for being my friend.

We had fun. Friends were made. What a truly awesome experience and I want to thank everyone who helped create that. I hope you guys had as much fun as I did.

At our best we had over 25 clans across multiple Supercell games. Man it was a blast hanging in the #lobby and just shooting the shit with everyone. Getting to know fellow Clashers. The beauty was in the fact it was Global, and that friendship can stretch across nations, ethnicities, genders, all through a common bond of enjoying the Clash universe together. And man it was awesome to play and meet everyone.

We ran successful events. We had processes. We had hierarchial structure. We. Had. Fun.

Man it was awesome.

This post is not to say that teamRDYK is dead, or going away. No. This post is to express the understanding that is the ebb and flows of all things. From simple beginnings we became something larger, and from something larger we naturally come back to simplicity. Like a deep breath. Inhale…. Exhale…. Breathe. 🙂

We are still nine clans strong and I thank you guys for continuing to be a part of that.

I thank everyone, past and present. It was truly a wonderful experience to be a part of. I hope you guys felt the same way too.

We are still clashing. We are still going. But this is to officially recognize our scale is reduced, the administration is much more relaxed. We’re no longer actively pursuing aggressive growth.. No, we’re instead pursuing what we have loved from the start: Firing up Clash, smashing Town Halls, chatting with each other, and just enjoying a break from reality.

Salute to all of you. Let the good times roll. I cannot express my appreciation and gratitude for meeting all of you.

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Q3 teamRDYK Leadership Update in these CrAzY times!

Well we skipped right over the Q2 update, didn’t we? This COVID-19 business really screwed up my routine, I’m sure that can be said for a lot of us.

teamRDYK.com has undergone some changes, continues to try and modify/tweak our Supercell community. Some of them I feel went well, others maybe not so much. Engagement is a key piece of ensuring a community thrives, stays together. teamRDYK is entering in it’s second year of existence. Starting from one clan we have now grown to 30 clans across Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, and Brawl Stars. We have a truly global footprint with folks from all areas of the world providing perspective and insight into not only the games we love to play but also the news and current affairs. It’s humbling to see how far we have come together.

And it is even more humbling to know that we still say true to our main core value of builder each other up – Not putting each other down.

We recently announced our Q4 event to close out 2020, and I am really excited for this one. We have some great prizes to give away – Gift cards – Everyone’s favorite! It’s also a great and fun time to mingle and meet other members of the community and clans that you otherwise wouldn’t interact with. Meet new folks? Yep! Learn new strats? Yep! Have an awesome experiene? You know it!

That is what we’re all about!

Alba has been a key part of building out our Clash Royale branch, and has grown it from 1 clan to 10. This would not have been possible without his leadership capabilities and eye for talent. This is why it is important to say that Alba has decided to step down from the board and focus on other areas of his life. He is still on Discord, but it was time for him to explore other things. I am grateful to have met him and play along side him and we at teamRDYK wish him nothing but the best.

Looking forward into 2021 brings opportunities. How can we best continue to grow our community? How do we deal with the blazing dumpster fire that is Clan Wars II in Clash Royale? What can we do to help deliver the best out of game experience for players who love to enjoy Supercell games? These are some of the questions we’ll be tackling as we go into the new year.

To close out this leadership update, I want to give a special thanks to each and every one of you who help make teamRDYK as great as it is. Thank YOU for helping us be the best we can be and let’s keep on rocking!

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teamRDYK.com is proud to announce our upcoming event in Q4!

This will be a traditional NO DIP Draft War – ALL Town Hall levels are able to participate!
There will be three ten dollar gift cards for iOS or Android up for grabs!
Special thanks to Aditya for our SWEET event logo!

What is a NO DIP Draft War?

FIRST: No dip means that you must hit your TH level – TH10 vs TH10; TH13 vs TH13 – No hitting up or down!
SECOND: Draft war means that players are picked by the Team Leaders and it will be LIVE STREAMED!
THIRD: All heros MUST be up! All POTIONS and BOOSTS are allowed!


!!SIGNUPS ARE NOW OPEN!!: https://forms.gle/5u6w8uea8SoQrPoF6

Dates and timing of the event:
Weekend of 11/13: Signups open
Weekend of 11/27: Signups close
Week of 11/30: Team Leaders picked
Week of 12/7: Live draft
12/10, 12/11: Players move to Clans
12/12: Prep day
12/13: War!!

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We’re BACK Online After a Web Host Migration! 100% Fully Restored!

Whoopsie .. You may have noticed that our website was down for a bit. Migrating WordPress sites from one host to another, something which I admittedly thought would be easy, proved to be quite the giant pain in the ass.

I ended up having to create my own database table, my own database import scripts, and manually re-upload the content images and theme customization config to get it just right. BUT – WE ARE BACK ONLINE! I know we had a number of folks who were looking to apply to join the community, if you’re still interested feel free to drop in an application!

I’ll post a Q3 update in a bit as there has been some changes, but our Q3 Event is happening in JUST A FEW DAYS! Let’s get ready for some FUN and thank YOU for being a part of it!

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The teamRDYK and Rebel Riot Alliance are teaming up and offering a Clash Royale Event!

The teamRDYK and Rebel Riot Alliance are teaming up and offering a Clash Royale Event!

This will be played in the style of 3 out of 5 wins in a bracket style tournament mode!
We are not going to utilize the in-game tournament style play as we are a global community and time zones will be difficult to sync up.

1) ALL players who sign up MUST be on Discord
2) ALL battles will be fought in Friendly mode which caps cards at Level 9
3) Winner of battles will be BEST 3 out of 5 matches
4) Deck changes per battle IS allowed
5) Spectating from a second device is NOT allowed – 3rd party spectators who want to watch the match IS allowed!

This tournament will be broken down in a BRACKET style, where each player who wins progresses further towards Victory!

Event Dates:
Clash Royale Event Signups – 4/27 – 5/7
Tournament Bracket Created – 5/9 – 5/15
Clash Royale Tournament Runs – 5/16 – 5/30


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Leadership Update for Q1 2020 – Wishing You and Yours a Happy Easter!

Another quarter has gone by, another Leadership Update! In keeping with the continued faith of posting consistent quarterly updates as to what teamRDYK has done and providing transparency on where we’re going next, here we go! There’s shorter term goals and longer terms goals as the ship continues to move forward. Before we dive into all of that, there are two things that I would like to preface this post with:

  1. I hope that each of you, your families, and your friends are safe during this tumultuous time of uncertainty. I remain positive – And you should too – That we WILL get through this!
  2. If you celebrate Easter, I wish you and yours an enjoyable holiday with laughter and a positive outlook on the future.

I think we’re all aware of COVID-19, so I’ll spare everyone. teamRDYK is alive and well. We’ve grown quite a bit since December. In a single quarter we gained five clans to hit twenty-five clans as part of our overall global Supercell Community. Better still, while we are accepting external clans and encourage those with the appropriate culture to apply (You can learn more here), we have developed an internal growth pipeline. Healthy? Indeed. We just crossed 1,000 members in our Discord! Leaders from across our clans share ideas, similar passions, and it leads to a benefit for all players who enjoy Supercell games.

We have matured some of our processes, and we continue to refine and make them better through feedback and self reflection. We’re now using Google Forms for external clan applicants and event signups. We’re using a standardized scouting process. We’re using an internal forum for review with voting taking place afterwards. From a single clan we’ve blossomed, TOGETHER, into a well oiled machine. I love the community which we have established which remains true to our absolute number one priority: Focusing on building each other UP — NOT putting each other down.

We’ve had our share of troubles, like clans breaking Supercell Terms of Service for account trading/selling, trolls, and some folks who want us to fail. And they were promptly dealt with and removed. We’ve also had our share of failures, such as trying to re-architect our infamous Discord #lobby. But in the end there is something beautiful about our #lobby – A melting pot for all – Players of those in our clans – But also players just looking for a place to chill. How cool to see what we have built.

Another key establishment in our levels of overall community maturity is the running of quarterly events. We’ve now got a rhythm going. We’ve done live streaming, we’ve had cash prizes — But most importantly: We’ve had FUN! There’s a TON of ideas for future events and we will CONTINUE to offer QUARTERLY events. Our strength is in each of YOU! Without you guys making our community so vibrant, we wouldn’t be able to offer such great events. The future looks as bright as ever!

As we look ahead, there’s some further technical integrations we’ll be making to bolster our community that much more. Bots: We have several in play right now, but we also have our very own in house developed teamRDYK.com BetaBot which offers various Clash of Clans commands with more in the works. This bot is fully accessible to clans both part of our community and not. Town hall breakdowns, Player Profiles, CWL stats – Fully 100% open to ALL clans. Interested in seeing how it works? Drop by our Discord and check it out! 😀

The overall Leadership at teamRDYK is simply different from other clan families you may have experienced. We’re comprised of level headed, mature individuals with a truly global foot print. We’re focused on building and fostering a sense of community. We’re not interested in those who wish to be malicious, bully, or be mean to anyone. At the very core of what we have is our culture, and it bears repeating because it is that important: We’re focused on building each other UP – NOT putting each other down.

Last but not least: Some nerdy technical stuff – Website stats. What do they look like? There’s two sets of stats which we have to look at. We put in place HTTP to HTTPS redirects, and over the interim we’ll need to report on both until HTTP is fully migrated out. The results? I’m surprised to be honest.

For March 2020 we had almost TEN THOUSAND unique visitors. That’s CRAZY! And better yet – We do NOT and WILL NOT monetize our website! Our website is used for Event Planning, Community News, and there are plans for expansion into new areas in the future!

SSL Traffic Details
Non-SSL Traffic Details

To close our this quarterly update, I’d like to again thank each of YOU for helping make our community as awesome as it is! I’m truly humbled and inspired by all of you that have helped to build where we are today – and I’m excited for what we’ll do next! So if you haven’t checked us out yet, and you’re looking to join a Global Supercell Gaming Community focused on building each other up – NOT putting each other down? Look no further – Stop by and get to know us! https://discord.gg/jQQCm5B

Be well, stay safe, and let’s keep on going!

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Air vs Ground teamRDYK Event Signups are NOW LIVE!!

teamRDYK.com is PROUD to present our Q1 2020 event: AIR vs GROUND!!

The rules for the event are as follows:
Team AIR can only use AIR TROOPS.  But can use ANY spells.
Team GROUND can only use GROUND TROOPS.  But can use HEALERS.

Event Dates:
Event Signups Open: 2/17 – 3/1
Team Leaders Picked: 3/2 – 3/7
Team Picking Live Stream: 3/8 or 3/9
Event: 3/13 – 3/15

SIGNUPS ARE OPEN!!!  SIGNUP TODAY: https://forms.gle/n6EqoGPGMty81e8UA


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teamRDYK Presents Our Q1 Community Event: AIR vs GROUND!

teamRDYK.com is PROUD to present our Q1 2020 event: AIR vs GROUND!!

The rules for the event are as follows:
Team AIR can only use AIR TROOPS.  But can use ANY spells.
Team GROUND can only use GROUND TROOPS.  But can use HEALERS.

We will be offering three ten dollar gift cards for those participating in the event!

Event Dates:
Event Signups Open: 2/17 – 3/1
Team Leaders Picked: 3/2 – 3/7
Team Picking Live Stream: 3/8 or 3/9
Event: 3/13 – 3/15

SIGNUP LINK: TBD – Will be posted on 2/17!


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