Clan Games Results for Reddit Yankee and twilight fire!

Another successful Clan Games under our belt!  Reddit Yankee featured Escanor as the first member of RCS to hit 4000 clan games points and Reddit Yankee hit first clan to hit max tier for clan games as well as highest overall clan games points!  A JOB WELL DONE TEAM!!

twilight fire hung in there and managed to still come in top 15 across a tough race to break into the top ten!  WELL DONE!!


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Clan Games results for Reddit Yankee and twilight fire!

With the latest clan games behind us, I’m happy to once again share results for Reddit Yankee and twilight fire.

#1 spot across all of RCS – Reddit Yankee.
#5 spot across all of RCS – twilight fire.

WHOA!  That is just incredible.  Even better is when you look at the stats per clan.  Reddit Yankee had over 170,000 combined Clan Games points with ALL 50 members meeting our minimum requirement of 1,000 points and 33 members hitting 4,000 (max) clan games points!  AWESOME WORK TEAM!

twilight fire saw over 105,000 combined Clan Games points with 18 members scoring 4,000 (max) points and over 35 of our members meeting the 1,000 minimum requirements.  WAY TO GO!!!


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twilight fire CWL proved to be an interesting one!

twilight fire faces a challenge.  Initially placing high in Crystal League II due to opting in every member of the team, we placed in leagues with a majority of TH12s, 11s, and 10s.  Because twilight fire focuses on TH9 war, this is obviously not the best scenario for us.

A HUGE shout out to RandomGye for directing the war strategies and Brotato for consistently being on top of war cc donations.  THAT is what being a TEAM is all about!!

This is what made this particular CWL an interesting one to watch.  Sadly, I am not able to get the CWL details from our last go to see star counts from our team, but let me just say that EVERYONE came together and really pulled down some great two-stars!  Hitting up as a TH9 to TH10/TH11/TH12 is never easy, but WE WERE UP TO THE CHALLENGE!

We’re on our way down to Gold III or Gold II league where I believe we’ll find our sweet spot.  Having said that, we were strong enough to only go down one league, to Crystal III, due to our war savvy TH9s sweet attacks!

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TheMaroonSpoons CWL Event Clan was a Success!

Huge thanks to Pepperoni Hands (For offering us his clan to use) and TechXC (Who directed war attacks) to help us make our stake in Master League II!

We were able to win 3 of our wars against tough competitors!

Whoa!  Look at all these stars!  Great job across the board by the entire team!!

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Every journey begins with the first step.

Good morning! is a GO!  This is a website around a vivacious and thriving Clash of Clans mobile gaming community that is made up of an international group of members.  We are PROUD to have a solid core leadership team and 100+ active overall members who help make us the best place we can be when it comes to playing Clash!

Our diverse member portfolio includes members from the United States, Canada, Australia, Europe, Singapore, the United Kingdom, India, and others!  We are made up of two active clans and one event clan.  Our main clan – Reddit Yankee – Is a clash farmers paradise!  We participate as an active member of the Farm War Alliance (FWA) ( as well as focus on the overall atmosphere of chilling out and farming.

twilight fire is a spot for our competitive war.  We focus on TH9 war there and because of our teams overall strength we’re able to boast a war win ratio of 80%.  That’s REALLY good!  This is also what we call our feeder clan to Reddit Yankee.  If you are interested in joining Reddit Yankee, I highly suggest you get acclimated in twilight fire first, for two reasons.  One – Our overall leadership team is in both clans so you can get to know us and we can get to know you.  Two – We always poll new members for Reddit Yankee interest in twilight fire first, as we are a big fan of internal moves rather than external recruitment posting.

Okay – I think I’ve typed enough for this post!  Be on the look out for our new happenings such as our Clan War League (CWL) and Clan Games results!  Thanks for reading!

flashBang / stunGrenade

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